Step into the heart of Vithanakande, where magic unfolds in the talented hands of over 6,000 dedicated artisans and numerous contributors from our vibrant tea-making community. Together, they skillfully weave the enchantment that underscores our unwavering commitment to the ancient customs of Sri Lanka tea production.
In the morning light, skilled hands meticulously gather the freshest tea leaves, selecting only the two youngest leaves and a bud. This careful selection preserves the moisture and freshness essential for producing our superb tea.
The collected leaves are then spread out in thin layers on mats or wire racks to gradually wither. This crucial step removes extra moisture, making the leaves flexible for the next stage and initiating the intriguing oxidation process. Withering shapes the unique flavour profile that sets Vithanakande tea apart.
After withering, the leaves are carefully rolled into tightly curled shapes. This manual process, paying homage to our dedication to tradition, releases the essence within by breaking down cell walls. While hand-rolling remains a revered practice, we also incorporate contemporary machinery for accuracy and quality.
The rolled leaves are carefully spread out to begin the crucial oxidation process, also known as fermentation. Our skilled tea makers meticulously control this step, understanding its significant influence on the final flavour profile. This process gives our black tea its distinctive dark colour.
The process reaches its pinnacle during the drying phase, where the leaves are warmed by massive ovens or kilns. Removing any last bits of moisture keeps the tea fresh and prevents spoilage. Our staff ensures that every leaf is handled with the highest care, demonstrating their commitment to perfection.
Final Touch
Once dry, the tea leaves undergo meticulous sorting, grading, and packing. The result is Vithanakande's Orthodox tea—a celebrated creation known for its intricate flavour and captivating aroma. While it may have a slightly higher price tag, it reflects our unwavering commitment to delivering the highest quality tea, setting us apart in the world of tea craftsmanship.
From bush to cup, each leaf crafts a story in our exceptional teas.
As you savour the richness of New Vithanakande tea, remember that this is just a glimpse into the enchanting world of Vithanakande's tea-making process. Feel free to come explore our factory and witness firsthand how Vithanakande consistently aims for distinction, soaking in the vibrant sights, sounds, and aromas that define our commitment to crafting the finest tea.
The delightful and aromatic infusion of this range of teas is its defining feature. These
teas have delicate, unopened buds that add subtle flavour and fragrance to the cup. Tea
is a sophisticated and multisensory experience, with each sip revealing more floral
The leaves in this range of teas are fully formed and intact. This choice provides a
strong, full-bodied cup that captures the essence of the tea plant flawlessly. With a
flavour profile that is harmoniously balanced, this captures the natural complexity of
premium tea leaves.
The teas in this range are a special blend that has crushed or broken tea leaves. This
variety adds a bright, strong taste, so it's a great option for people who want a strong,
energising cup. Tea from the Broken Range has a unique flavour and a robust,
invigorating infusion.